Meet our staff
Beckett Raya (He/Him)
Beckett is a junior in high school, a soccer player, and a proud member of the LGBTQIA+ community. Sports make up most of his life and are as much a part of him as his identity and he couldn’t imagine his life without them. Shocked and outraged about the stigma surrounding LGBTQIA+ participation in youth sports, he founded Playing with Pride to spread the love of sports to everyone.
Erin Marsh (She/Her)
Erin is a junior in high school, a soccer, lacrosse, and basketball player, and a fierce ally of the LGBTQIA+ community. She believes that sports are for everyone and is disappointed in the fact that sexuality is continuously used to undermine and insult the ability of players. Along with Beckett, she co-presidents Playing with Pride to break the negativity and show that athletes are much more than how they identify.
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