Playing WIth Pride

Supporting Young LGBTQIA+ Athletes

There was a lot of questioning, it took a lot of time. Seeing the growth that we’re making in the world, and the steps we’re taking, made it a little more comfortable for me. I just took a big leap of faith and had some confidence in myself. I came out to myself and then finally came out to my friends and family. It was tough hiding it. Being in hockey, the locker-room talk is very prevalent and something that I didn’t want to talk about. I kind of hid myself from that topic of conversation. Going through those four or five years were tough for me.

It was maybe the hardest — especially growing up in a household [with] such a lack of emotional availability. We didn’t really have conversations about anything, so I had to figure things out on my own. I was like, “Wow, I feel this way about everybody and I don’t know if it’s normal.” I started looking people up [online] and I realized that it [being bisexual] was OK. Also, being non-binary, that was a process of its own. I was like, “I don’t necessarily feel like I’m on one end or the other. Maybe, some days, I am feeling either way.” In-between fits me. It was definitely a battle, the process of figuring out me.

That feeling of not being true to yourself, and looking in the mirror and not liking what you see, is a horrible feeling. I didn’t want anyone to feel like that. I never really had anyone to look up to that was, like, huge. … So I wanted to be someone to look up to. Everybody who reaches out to me, they tell me, “You helped me, you inspired me,” and I think that’s bigger than basketball, honestly. Bigger than a gold medal, any award. Knowing that you helped someone not feel down, or have horrible thoughts, because I’ve been there.

Our Mission

Have you ever felt alone? Afraid of being judged? So afraid that you might quit doing something you love? Too many young athletes face this same problem, seeing no future in their sport because of senseless stigma. We aim to squash this stigma by presenting real stories of professional LGBTQIA+ athletes. Role models are what give young athletes the inspiration and confidence they need to achieve their dreams by showing the power of being yourself and proving that pride in your identity has a place in every sport.

Talk to us

Have any questions? We are always open to talk about your problems, inquiries, opportunities and how we can help you.